As new immigrants acquire English language skills, they are able to participate more fully and contribute to the local economy; become fully informed of what is happening in the broader community, are able to voice their opinions; actively participate in their children’s education; and be more knowledgeable about how and when to access healthcare.
Being a citizen or being civic-minded is more than calling a country one’s own. It is when people come together as a community to improve their quality of life through shared ideas, dedicated...
A healthy community is made up of physically and mentally healthy families, who know where/when to get healthcare - a doctor or an urgent care hospital...
To improve the income levels in a community, people need access to knowledge and skills. Stronger literacy skills equals opportunities to acquire ...
Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL)
9210 Corporate Blvd., Suite 480
Rockville, MD 20850
P: 301-881-1338
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