The Staff & Board of MCAEL


Board of Directors
Lauri E. Cleary Lerch, Early & Brewer
Gabriela Huff Holy Cross Hospital
Sean Klein, Chair Attorney
Daniela Klingebiel World Bank, Retired
Belen Michael, Secretary Health Communications Researcher
Ann Miller, Vice Chair Science is Elemental
Stacy Parkinson, Immediate Past Chair Attorney, Retired/ESOL Instructor
Fred Seo, Treasurer M&T Bank
Janice Stucke CREW Network

Board of Directors

Lauri E. Cleary
Lerch, Early & Brewer

Stacey Fannon
Briggs Center for Faith & Action, Retired

Gloria Haws
Abt Associates

Gabriela Huff
Holy Cross Hospital

Sean Klein, Vice Chair

Ann Miller, Secretary
Science is Elemental

Stacy Parkinson, Chair
Attorney, Retired/ESOL Instructor

Joan Schafer

Fred Seo, Treasurer
M&T Bank

Janice Stucke
Achieving the Dream

MCAEL Advisory Group
Steve Amar Neelsville Presbyterian Church
Roza Beyene Ethiopian Community Center
Peggy Blair English Now!/WICA
Anna DeNicolo Communications and Facilitation Consultant
Megan Dry Family Discovery Center, Sheppard Pratt
Tyra Hudgens CASA
Peggy Juan Chinese Culture and Community Center
Cindy Newland Sheppard Pratt English Literacy Program
Josh Paiz Montgomery College/George Washington University
Kathy Smithson Identity, Inc
Jill Smudski Rockville Senior Center
Donna Taylor Resource Center
Preston Tulay CASA
Pam Wilbur Covenant Life Church

MCAEL Advisory Group

Steve Amar 

Neelsville Presbyterian Church

Roza Beyene

Ethiopian Community Center

Peggy Blair

English Now!/WICA

Anna DeNicolo

Charles W. Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center

Megan Dry 

Family Discovery Center, Sheppard Pratt

Tyra Hudgens 


Peggy Juan

Chinese Culture and Community Center

Cindy Newland

Sheppard Pratt English Literacy Program

Josh Paiz

Montgomery College/George Washington University
Kathy Smithson

Identity, Inc

Jill Smudski 

Rockville Senior Center

Donna Taylor

Resource Center

Preston Tulay


Pam Wilbur

Covenant Life Church

Learner Leadership Group
Remy N'Djetchi
Alemshet K Eshete
Delicia Guzman
Lan Jiang
Kanidiengue Kone
Diana Paola Suarez
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